and sad people are usually good.because they feel things more.
而E一路追到了巴黎V的小公寓,並大肆破壞來宣洩自己的情緒,接著疲累的坐在床沿說出了一番對V的感覺:I think about you all the time(算是愛的告白嗎?我認為是更細膩且赤裸,對於渴望想知道關於V的一切,近乎迷戀的論述)
Eve: I think about you all the time.
I think about what you`re wearing. and what you`re doing.and who you`re doing it with.
I think about what friends you have. I think about what you eat before you work. and what shampoo you use. and what happened in your family.
I think about your eyes and your mouth. and what you feel when you kill someone. I think about what you have for breakfast. I just… want to know everything.